Diary of One Month in Honolulu/Day 25
Went over a lot of settlement and kindergarten work this morning and found it intensely interesting. They are doing splendid betterment work here. Jack played golf.
Took luncheon down town and then went to the Bishop Museum. I don't see why we didn't go there sooner. We ought to spend a week there, instead of half a day—and our month in Honolulu is almost up. I don't know where the time has gone, but it has been "chuck full" every minute. I was never more interested in my life than in those wonderful old Hawaiian relics; and the amount of knowledge that Jack acquired is appalling. I must get out there again if I possibly can.
This evening we motored to the Pali for a moonlight view. It is a picture to put into my memory beside the one of Moanalua by moonlight. I didn't know that the world could be so beautiful.