Diary of One Month in Honolulu/Day 5
Motored around the Island. Started at 8:30 this morning and went to the Pali and down the face of it—"Pali" means precipice—and then along the windward side of the Island, and around the point to Haleiwa. Had a fine luncheon there at a lovely little hotel, beautifully situated.
Wandered around and took some pictures while Jack talked hunting and fishing possibilities until he got the fever. The golf links are fine. Guess we'll go back for a day or so.
Came home through pineapple and cane country and past the cavalry barracks and reached here at five o'clock. The trip was 83 miles—a glorious 83 miles. Jack acquired so much information that there'll be no living with him.
Saw grass houses, and natives making poi, and men working or riding horseback with wreaths of fresh flowers on their hats. It makes you think that they must be sweet-natured.
I never saw so many different kinds of costumes in my life as this cosmopolitan population presents—and every individual seems to have an eye for color. It is fascinating.