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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Acacallis

From Wikisource

ACACALLIS (Ἀκακαλλίς). daughter of Minos, by whom, according to a Cretan tradition, Hermes begot Cydon; while according to a tradition of the Tegeatans, Cydon was a son of Tegeates, and immigrated to Crete from Tegea. (Pans. viii. 53. §2.) Apollo begot by her a son Miletus, whom, for fear of her father, Acacallis exposed in a forest, where wolves watched and suckled the child, until he was found by shepherds who brought him up. (Antonin, Lib. 30.) Other sons of her and Apollo are Amphithemis and Garamas. (Apollon. iv. 1490, &c.) Apollodorus (iii. 1. § 2) calls this daughter of Minos Acalle (Ἀκάλλη), but does not mention Miletus as her son. Acacallis was in Crete a common name for a narcissus. (Athen, XV. p. 681; Hesych. s. v.)[L. S.]