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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Agapetus 2.

From Wikisource

AGAPE'TUS (Άγαπητός). 2. St., born at Rome, was Archdeacon and raised to the Holy See A.D. 535. He was no sooner consecrated than he took off the anathemas pronounced by Pope Boniface II. against his deceased rival Dioscorus on a false charge of Simony. He received an appeal from the Catholics of Con­stantinople when Anthimus, the Monophysite, was made their Bishop by Theodora. [Anthimus.] The fear of an invasion of Italy by Justinian led the Goth Theodatus to oblige St. Agapetus to go himself to Constantinople, in hope that Justinian might be diverted from his purpose. (See Breviarium S. Liberati, ap. Mansi, Concilia, vol. ix. p. 695.) As to this last object he could make no impression on the emperor, but he suc­ceeded in persuading him to depose Anthimus, and when Mennas was chosen to succeed him, Agapetus laid his own hands upon him. The Council and the Synodal (interpreted into Greek) sent by Agapetus relating to these affairs may be found ap. Mansi, vol. viii. pp. 869, 921. Com­plaints were sent him from various quarters against the Monophysite Acephali; but he died suddenly a. d. 536, April 22, and they were read in a Council held on 2nd May, by Mennas. (Mansi, ibid. p. 874.) There are two letters from St. Agapetus to Justinian in reply to a letter from the emperor, in the latter of which he refuses to ac­knowledge the Orders of the Arians; and there are two others: 1. To the Bishops of Africa, on the same subject; 2. To Reparatus, Bishop of Carthage, in answer to a letter of congratulation on his elevation to the Pontificate. (Mansi, Con­cilia, viii. p,p. 846—850.)