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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Aggenus Urbicus

From Wikisource

AGGE′NUS U′RBICUS, a writer on the science of the Agrimensores. (Dict. of Ant. p. 30.) It is uncertain when he lived; but he appears to have been a Christian, and it is not improbable from some expressions which he uses, that he lived at the latter part of the fourth century of our era. The extant works ascribed to him are :—“ Aggeni Urbici in Julium Frontinum Commentarius,” a commentary upon the work “ De Agrorum Qualitate,” which is ascribed to Frontinus; “ In Julium Frontinum Commentariorum Liber secundus qui Diazographus dicitur;” and “ Commentariorum de Controversiis Agrorum Pars prior et altera.” The last-named work Niebuhr supposes to have been written by Frontinus, and in the time of Domitian, since the author speaks of “ praestantissimus Domitianus,” an expression, which would never have been applied to this tyrant after his death. (Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. p. 621.)