Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Apis 1.
APIS (Ἄπις). 1. A son of Phoroneus by the nymph Laodice, and brother of Niobe. He was king of Argos, established a tyrannical government, and called Peloponnesus after his own name Apia; but he was killed in a conspiracy headed by Thelxion and Telchis. (Apollod. i. 7. 6, ii. 1. § 1.) In the former of these passages Apollodorus states, that Apis, the son of Phoroneus, was killed by Aetolus; but this is a mistake arising from the confusion of our Apis, with Apis the son of Jason, who was killed by Aetolus during the funeral games celebrated in honour of Azanes. (Paus. v. l. § 6; Aetolus.)