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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Cephisodorus 2.

From Wikisource

CEPHISODO′RUS, an illustrious painter mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 9. s. 36. §1), together with Aglaophon, Phrylus, and Evenor, the father of Parrhasius, under the 90th Olympiad (B.C. 420), at which date, the end of the Archidamian war, Pliny's authorities made a stop and enumerated the distinguished men of the age. (Heyne, Antiq. Aufsätze, i. p. 220.) At least, this reason for the date of Pliny seems more probable than the victories of Alcibiades in the Olympian and other games which were celebrated by Aglaophon. (Aglaophon; and Böttiger, Archäologie der Malerei, p. 269.)[L. U.]