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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Cicero 1.

From Wikisource

1. M. Tullius Cicero, grandfather of the orator, appears to have taken a lead in his own community, and vigorously opposed the projects of his fellow-townsman and brother-in-law, M. Gratidius, who had raised a great commotion at Arpinum by agitating in favour of a law for voting by ballot. The matter was referred to the consul M. Aemilius Scaurus (b. c. 115), who complimented Cicero on his conduct, declaring that he would gladly see a person of such spirit and integrity exerting his powers on the great field of the metro­polis, instead of remaining in the seclusion of a country town. The old man was still alive at the birth of his eldest grandson (b. c. 106), whom he little resembled in his tastes, for he was no friend to foreign literature, and was wont to say, that his contemporaries were like Syrian slaves, the more Greek they knew, the greater scoundrels they were. (Cic. de Leg. ii. 1, iii. 16, de Orat. ii. 66.)