Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Craterus 2.
CRA'TERUS (Κρατερός), a brother of Antigonus Gonatas, and father of Alexander, the prince of Corinth. (Phlegon, de Mirab. 32; Justin, Prolog. xxvi.) He distinguished himself as a diligent compiler of historical documents relative to the history of Attica. He made a collection of Attic inscriptions, containing decrees of the people (ψηφισμάτων συναγωγή), and out of them he seems to have constructed a diplomatic history of Athens. (Plut. Aristeid. 32, Cim. 13.) This work is frequently referred to by Harpocration and Stephanus of Byzantium, the latter of whom (s.v. Νύμφαιον) quotes the ninth book of it. (Comp. Pollux, viii. 126; Schol. ad Aristoph. Av. 1073, Ran. 323.) With the exception of the statements contained in these and other passages, the work of Craterus, which must have been of great value, is lost. (Niebuhr, Kleine Schrift. i. p. 225, note 39; Böckh, Pref. to his Corp. Inscript. i. p. ix.)[L. S.]