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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Crates 1.

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4748121Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology — Crates (philosopher, friend of Polemo)1870William Smith (1813-1893)

CRATES (Κράτης), of Athens, was the son of Antigenes of the Thriasian demus, the pupil and friend of Polemo, and his successor in the chair of the Academy, perhaps about B.C. 270. The intimate friendship of Crates and Polemo was celebrated in antiquity, and Diogenes Laërtius has preserved an epigram of the poet Antagoras, according to which the two friends were united after death in one tomb. The most distinguished of the pupils of Crates were the philosopher Arcesilaüs, Theodorus, the founder of a sect called after him, and Bion Borysthenites. The writings of Crates are lost. Diogenes Laërtius says, that they were on philosophical subjects, on comedy, and also orations; but the latter were probably written by Crates of Tralles. [ Crates of Tralles.] (Diog. Laërt. iv. 21–23.)Template:DGRBM/A.S.