Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Menalippus 1.
MENALIPPUS (Μενάλιππος, an equivalent form to Μελάνιππος), an architect, probably of Athens, who, in conjunction with the Roman architects, C. and M. Stallius, was employed by Ariobarzanes II. (Philopator), king of Cappadocia, to restore the Odeum of Pericles, which had been burnt in the Mithridatic war, in Ol. 173, 3, B. C. 86–5. The exact date of the restoration is unknown; but Ariobarzanes reigned from B. C. 63 to about B. C. 51. (Böckh, Corp. Insc. vol. i. No. 357; Vitruv. v. 9. 1.)
[P. S.]