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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Menecrates (physician) 1.

From Wikisource

MENE'CRATES (Μενεκράτης), a Syracusan physician at the court of Philip, king of Macedon, b. c. 359 — 336. He seems to have been a successful practitioner, but to have made himself ridiculous by calling himself "Jupiter," and assuming divine honours. (Suid. s. v. Μενεκράτης.) He once wrote a letter to Philip, beginning Μενεκράτης Ζεὺς Φιλίππῳ Χαίρειν, to which the king wrote back an answer in these words, Φίλιππος Μενεκράτει ὑγιαίνειν.* (Athen. vii. p. 289 ; Aelian. Var. Hist. xii. 51.) He was invited one day by Philip to a magnificent entertainment, where the other guests were sumptuously fed, while he himself bad nothing but incense and libations, as not being subject to the human infirmity of hunger. He was at first pleased with his reception, but afterwards, perceiving the joke, and finding that no more substantial food was offered him, he left the party in disgust. (Athen, Aelian, l. c.)

* According to Plutarch, it was Agesilaus from whom he got this answer to his letter. (Vita Ages. c. 21, vol. vi. p. 29, ed. Tauchn. ; Apophthegm. Reg. et Imper. vol. ii. p. 52, Apophthegm. Lacon. vol. ii. p. 109.)