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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Menedaeus

From Wikisource

MENEDAEUS or MENE'DATUS (Μενεδαῖος, Μενέδατος), a Spartan, was one of the three leaders of the Peloponnesian force which was sent to aid the Aetolians in the reduction of Naupactus, in b. c. 426. The place, however, was saved by Demosthenes, with the help of the Acarnanians. In the same year Menedaeus was engaged in the expedition against Amphilochian Argos ; and after the death of his two colleagues, Eurylochus and Macarius, at the battle of Olpae, he concluded with Demosthenes and the Acarnanian generals a secret agreement, by which the Peloponnesians were permitted to withdraw in safety, leaving their allies, the Ambraciots, to their fate. (Thuc. iii. 100—102, 105—111.) [E. E.]