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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Nicander 10.

From Wikisource

6. A grammarian of Thyatira, who is supposed by Fabricius to have been the same person as Nicander of Colophon, on account of an expression used by Stephanus Byzantinus (De Urb. s. v. Θυάτειρα); it is, however, more probable that Stephanus confounded together two different individuals. He wrote a work, Περί των Δημων (Harpocrat. Lex. s. v. Θυργωνίδαι, Τιτακίδαι), and another called by Athenaeus (xv. p. 678), Άττική Όνόματα, which is probably the same as that quoted by Harpocration, under the title Άττική Διάλεκτος (s. v. Μέδιμνος, Βωλεωνες Τριπτηρα), and which consisted of at least eighteen books. (Harpocr. s. v. ξηραλοιφειν.) This is probably the work which is frequently quoted by Athenaeus (iii, pp. 76, 81, 114, &c.).