Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Nicander 12.
8. "Ambrosius Nicander, Toletanus, qui circa A, Chr. 817, S. Cyriaci Episcopi Anconitani Martyrium versibus Latinis scripsisse, et catalepses (sive argumenta) in Silii Italici libros composuisse traditur." (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. iv. p. 354, ed. Harles.) Fabricius gives no authority for this statement, nor does Harles supply the defect. It appears, however, that there has been some confusion respecting this personage, who is, in fact, no other than Ambrosius de Victoria (or Nicander), who lived in the sixteenth century. (See Anton. Biblioth. Hisp. Vetus, vol. i. p. 508, vol. ii. p. 452; id. Biblioth. Hisp. Nova., vol. i. p. 67.)