Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Popillius
POPI'LLIUS. 1. T. Popillius, a legatus in the Roman army engaged in the siege of Capua, b. c. 211. (Liv. xxvi. 6.)
2. P. Popillius, one of the three ambassadors sent to king Syphax in Africa, in b. c. 210. (Liv. xxvii. 4.)
3. C. Popillius, surnamed Sabellus, a Roman eques, distinguished himself by his bravery in the campaign against the Istri in b. c. 178. (Liv. xli. 4.)
4. M. Popillius, one of the ambassadors sent to the Aetolians, in b. c. 174. (Liv. xli. 25.)
5. P. Popillius, the son of a freedman, is said by Cicero to have been condemned for bribery. (Cic. pro Cluent. 36, 47.)