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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Stratonice 4.

From Wikisource

STRATONICE 4. Daughter of the preceding and of Antiochus I., was married to Demetrius II., king of Macedonia. (Euseb. Arm. i. p. 164.) The period of their marriage is unknown; but she appears to have remained in Macedonia till about B. C. 239, when she quitted Demetrius in disgust, on account of his second marriage with Phthia, the daughter of Olympias, and retired to Syria. Here she in vain incited her nephew Seleucus II. to avenge the insult offered her by declaring war against the Macedonian king. According to another account, she was in hopes to induce Seleucus himself to marry her; but that monarch was wholly occupied with the recovery of Babylonia and the upper provinces of the empire. While he was thus engaged, Stratonice took advantage of his absence to raise a revolt against him at Antioch; but she was easily expelled from that city on the return of Seleucus, and took refuge in Seleucia, where she was besieged, taken prisoner, and put to death. (Just. 28.1; Agatharchides, apud Joseph. c. Apion. 1.22; Niebuhr, Kl. Schriften, p. 254 ; Droysen, Hellenism. vol. ii. p. 414.)