Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Acis
ACIS (A«»)i a river of Sidlj, on the eastern of the ishmd, and inunediatelj at the foot of It is oel^Fated on aocoont of the mytho- fidde connected with its origin, which was ascribed to the Mood of the yoathlul Ads, crashed ladder an enonnooa rock by his rival Polyphemus. (Orid. UbL xiiL 750, &c; SiL ItaL xiv. 221—226; Antk Lat. L 148; Serr. ad Virg. Eel ix. S9, who cmaeoQsly writes the name Adnios.) It is evi- daaly in allnsion to the same stocy that Theocritos ifcaks of the "sacred waters of Acis." ("AjciSos ufim »«y>, Id^ i. 69.) Fiom this fitble itself we BMy infer that it was a small stream gashing forth bma onder a reck; the extreme coldness of its waters noticed by Solinas (Solin. 5. § 17) also pcnte to the same amclaaan. The last cinmm- Maaoe might lead ns to identify it with the streun aor csScd Fimme Frtddo^ bat there is every ap- pearance that the town of Adam derived its name from the river, and this was certainly fartho' soaih. There can be no doabt that Claverios is right in idBBtifyix^ it with the little river still called Fwmt A Jmcx, kiKiwn abo by the name of the Aeque Gramdij which rises under a rock of lava, and has a very short course to the sea, passing by the modern town of Act BeaU (Adam). The Ads* «as certainly quite distinct from the Acesines or Auaes, with which it has been oonfonnded by semal writers. (Clover. SieU pi 115; Smyth's Sm%, pi 132; Ortolani, IHt, Gtogr. p. 9; Fenara, Jkmru. deff ftea, p. 32.)[ E. H. B. ]