Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Crociatonum
CROCIA'TONUM (Κροκιάτονον, Ptol. ii. 8), Cronciaconnum in the Table. Ptolemy makes it a port of the Unelli or Veneli, a Gallic nation who occupied part of Bretagne. The Table contains a route from Alauna (Alleaume) to Caesarodunum (Tours), in which the next station to Alauna is Cronciaconnum, distant 10½ M. P. from Alauna. Its position, therefore, depends on that of Alauna. Crociatonum lies between Alauna and Augustodorus (Bayeux), from which it is 31½ M. P. distant. D’Anville, who places Alauna at the Moutiers d’Alonne, fixes Crociatonum at Valognes, in the department of La Manche. Accordingly he considers that there is an error in Ptolemy, for the place is called a port in one MS. at least. But if Alauna is near Valognes, Crociatonum must be looked for elsewhere. Walckenaer places it at the village of Turqueville, west of Audouville, at the entrance of the bay of Issigny. There may have been both a town and a port of the same name. Some geographers would fix Crociatonum at Carentan, west of Issigny.[ G. L. ]