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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Davianum

From Wikisource

DAVIANUM. “Mutatio Davianum” is placed in the Jerusalem Itin. on the road from Valentia (Valence) in Gallia Narbonensis to Vapincum (Gap). The distance from “Mansio Monte Seleuci” to Davianum, which is on the road from Mons Seleucus to Vapincum, is 8 M. P. D’Anville identifies Davianum with a place Veine. Mons Seleucus is certainly Saléon, and the position of Davianum may be ascertained tolerably well. Walckenaer places it at La Beaumette, Dèves et le bois de Dèves, near the Bastie Monsaléon.[ G. L. ]