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Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Jaccetani

From Wikisource

JACCETA′NI (Ἰακκετανοί), the most important of the small tribes at the S. foot of the Pyrenees, in Hispania Tarraconensis, E. of the Vascones, and N. of the Ilergetes. Their country, Jaccetania (Ἰακκετανία), lay in the N. of Arragon, below the central portion of the Pyrenaean chain, whence it extended towards the Iberus as far as the neighbourhood of Ilerda and Osca; and it formed a part of the theatre of war in the contests between Sertorius and Pompey, and between Julius Caesar and Pompey's legates, Afranius and Petreius. (Strab. iii. p. 161; Caes. B. C. i. 60: concerning the reading, see Lacetani; Ptol. ii. 6. § 72.) None of their cities were of any consequence. The capital, Jacca (Jaca, in Biscaya), from which they derived their name, belonged, in the time of Ptolemy, to the Vascones, among whom indeed Pliny appears to include the Jaccetani altogether (iii. 3. s. 4). Their other cities, as enumerated by Ptolemy, and identified, though with no great certainty, by Ukert (vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 42.5), are the following:—Iespus (Ἰεσπος, Igualeda); Ceresus (Κερεσός, S. Columba de Ceralto); Anabis (Ἀνάβις, Tarrega); Bacasis (Βακασίς, Manresa, the district round which is still called Bages); Telobis (Τηλοβίς, Martorell); Ascerris (Ἀσκεῤῥίς, Sagarra); Udura (Οὔδουρα, Cardona); Lissa or Lesa (Λήσα, near Manresa); Setelsis (Σετελσις ἢ Σετελσις, Solsona); Cinna (Κίννα, near Guisona), perhaps the same place as the Scissum of Livy (xxi. 60, where the MSS. have Scissis, Stissum, Sisa), and the Cissa of Polybius (iii. 76: coins, ap. Sestini, pp. 132, 163; Num. Goth.). [ P. S. ]