Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Prolaqueum
PROLA'QUEUM (Pioraco), a village or station on the branch of the Via Flaminia which crossed the Apennines from Nuceria (Nocera) to Septempeda (S. Severino). It was situated at the foot of the pass on the E. side of the mountains, and evidently derived its name from its being at the outflow of a small lake which discharges its waters into the Potenza. Cluverius speaks of the lake as still existing in his time: it is not marked on modern maps, but the village of Pioraco still preserves the traces of the ancient name. The Itinerary reckons 16 M. P. from Nuceria to Prolaqueum, and 15 from thence to Septempeda. (Itin. Ant. p. 312; Cluver. Ital. p. 614.) [ E. H. B. ]