Dictionary of Indian Biography/Agnew, Patrick Alexander Vans
I.C.S. : son of Lt.-Colonel P. Vans Agnew, a Director of the E.I.Co : educated at Haileybury : arrived in India in 1841 : Assistant to the Superintendent of the Cis-Satlaj States, and at Sobraon in 1846 : after political work connected with Kashmir was assistant to the British Resident at Lahore : was sent in 1848 with Lt.Anderson to Multan, to introduce both a change in the personnel of the native Government and new fiscal arrangements : they were treacherously attacked on April 20, 1848, wounded and subsequently murdered by Mulraj's retainers, with his knowledge : this outrage led to the second Sikh War of 1848–9, after which the Panjab was annexed.