Dictionary of Indian Biography/Airey, Sir James Talbot
Son of Lt-General Sir George Airey, and brother of Lord Airey : born Sep. 6, 1812 : entered the Army in 1830 : in 1841 he accompanied General Elphinstone (q.v.) to Kabul as his A. D. C. : in Dec. he was one of the hostages given up to Akbar Khan : they were released in Sep. 1842 : was present under McCaskill (q.v.) at Istalif : in the Gwalior campaign in 1843 : at Punniar : served in the Guards in the Crimea : C.B. : Colonel, 1859 : Lt-General and K.C.B. in 1877 : retired as General in 1881 : died Jan. 1, 1898.