Dictionary of Indian Biography/Arbuthnot, Sir Charles George
Son of the Bishop of Killaloe, and brother of Sir A. J. Arbuthnot (q. v.): born May 19, 1824: educated at Rugby and the R.M.A., Woolwich: entered the Royal Artillery 1843: served in the Crimea: became Lt-Colonel 1864: went to India in 1868: C.B., 1871: D.A.G. of Artillery, 1873–7: Inspr-General of Artillery in India, 1877–80: in the second Afghan War was employed as Brig-General, first in the Kandahar Field force and later in the Khyber: K.C.B. in 1881: D.A.G. of Artillery in England, 1880–3: Inspr-General of Artillery, 1883: and President of the Ordnance Committee, 1885: in 1886 was made C. in C. Bombay, and transferred to Madras in the same year: succeeded Lord Roberts in the command in Burma in 1887: retired from Madras in 1891: General, 1890: G.C.B., 1894: died April 14, 1899.