Dictionary of Indian Biography/Barth, Marie Etienne Auguste
Born March 22, 1834, at Strasburg: son of Etienne Barth, of the Rhone an Rhin Canal Company: educated at the College Royal (now Lycee Imperial) at Strasburg: Professor of Rhetoric and Philosophy at the College at Bouxwiller, 1857–61: then retired from the public service to devote himself to Indian study: lived first at Strasburg, then at Geneva, (1871–76), and lastly removed to Paris: member of many learned societies: Societe Asiatique, 1857: Academy of Inscriptions, 1893: Royal Asiatic Society, 1894, etc.: Collaborator in the Journal Asiatique, Revue Critique, etc. His chief works are: Les Religions de l'Inde, 1880 (also translated into English) Inscriptions Sanskrites du Cambodge, 1885: L'Inde; Buddhisme, Jain-isme, Hindouisme, 1894, etc.: has published a yearly bulletin of the religions of India in the Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 1885, etc.