Dictionary of Indian Biography/Briggs, John
BRIGGS, JOHN (1785–1875)
Entered the E.I. Co.'s Madras Army in 1801: served in the Mahratta wars: accompanied Sir J . Malcolm on his mission to Persia, 1810: became Resident at Satara, and in 1831 was Senior Member of the Board of Administration of Mysore: resigned in 1832, and was Resident at Nagpur, 1832–5, when he retired: Maj-General, 1838. As Member of the Court of Proprietors of the E.I. Co., he opposed Lord Dalhousie's policy: he translated Ferishta's Muhammadan Power in India and the Siyar-ul-muta' akhkhirin from Persian into English: was F.R.S.: died April 27, 1875.