Dictionary of Indian Biography/Cavenagh, Sir Orfeur
General : son of James Gordon Cavenagh : educated at Addiscombe : entered the Army : was through the Gwalior campaign : lost a leg at Maharajupr, 1843 : in the Satlaj campaign at Badiwal : in charge of the Mysore Princes and ex-Amirs of Sind : had political charge of Sir Jang Bahadur and the Nipalese embassy to England, 1850 : was Town Major of Fort William, Calcutta, during the mutiny : frustrated the plot of the mutineers to seize the Fort : recommended the formation of the Volunteer Guards : Governor of the Straits Settlements, 1859–67 : Lt-General, 1874 : K.C.S.I., 1881 : died July 7, 1891 : wrote Reminiscences of an Indian Official.