Dictionary of Indian Biography/Dallas, Sir George, Baronet
Son of Robert Dallas : born April 6, 1758 : educated at Geneva : entered the E. I. Co.'s civil service at eighteen, was noticed by Warren Hastings, appointed Collector of Rajshahi : returned to England for ill-health, 1788 : deputed by Calcutta residents to present a petition against Pitt's East India Bill : made a Baronet in 1798 : M.P., 1800–2, for Newport : wrote a poem The India Guide : a pamphlet in vindication of Warren Hastings, 1789 : a vindication of the Marquis Wellesley's wars in Hindustan and the Dekkan, 1806, besides papers on Ireland and France, and on Trade between India and Europe, in which he advocated a greater freedom and liberality in trade between the countries : died Jan. 14, 1833.