Dictionary of Indian Biography/E
- Eardley-Wilmot, Revell
- Earle, Sir Henry, Third Baronet
- Earle, William
- East, Sir Edward Hyde, Baronet
- Eastwick, Edward Backhouse
- Eastwick, Robert William
- Eastwick, William Joseph
- Eden, The Hon. Sir Ashley
- Eden, Hon. Emily
- Edgar, Sir John Ware
- Edge, Sir John
- Edmonstone, Sir George Frederick
- Edmonstone, Neil Benjamin
- Edwardes, Sir Herbert Benjamin
- Edwardes, Sir Stanley de Burg
- Edwards, Sir James Bevan
- Edwards, John Burnard
- Egerton, Charles Chandler
- Egerton, Sir Charles Comyn
- Egerton, Philip Henry
- Egerton, Sir Robert Eyles
- Elers, George
- Elgin and Kincardine, James Bruce, Eighth Earl of
- Elgin and Kincardine, Victor Alexander Bruce, Ninth Earl of
- Elias, Ney
- Eliot, Sir John
- Eliott, Sir Daniel
- Eliott-Lockhart, Percy Clare
- Ellenborough, Edward Law, First Earl of
- Elles, Sir Edmund Roche
- Elles, Sir William Kidston
- Elliot, Edward King
- Elliot, Sir Edward Locke
- Elliot, Sir Henry Miers
- Elliot, Hugh
- Elliot, Sir Walter
- Elliott, Charles
- Elliott, Sir Charles Alfred
- Elliott, Sir William Henry
- Ellis, Sir Barrow Herbert
- Ellis, Francis Whyte
- Ellis, Robert Staunton
- Elphinstone, John, Thirteenth Baron
- Elphinstone, Mountstuart
- Elphinstone, William George Keith
- Elsmie, George Robert
- Empson, William
- England, Sir Richard
- English, Frederick
- Erskine, Henry Napier Bruce
- Erskine, James Claudius
- Erskine, William
- Esdaile, James
- Ethe, C. Hermann
- Evans, Sir Griffith Humphrey Pugh
- Evans, Sir William David
- Everest, Sir George
- Ewald, George Heinrich August
- Ewart, Sir John Alexander
- Ewart, Sir Joseph
- Ewer, Walter
- Eyre, Henry
- Eyre, Sir Vincent
- Exmouth, Edward Pellew, First Viscount