Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bertram, Roger (d.1242)

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1306776Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 04 — Bertram, Roger (d.1242)1885John Horace Round

BERTRAM, ROGER (d. 1242), judge and baronial leader, was son of William Bertram, lord of Mitford in Northumberland. Having joined the northern barons in their advance on London in the spring of 1215, his castle and barony of Mitford were subsequently (31 Jan. 1216) seized on by the king (Claus. 17 John, m. 11), and entrusted to William de Ulecotes. After the accession of Henry III he made his peace, 24 July 1217 (Claus. 1 Hen. III, m. 13), but only recovered Mitford from Philip de Ulecotes after many months litigation and a fine of 100l. (Claus. 1 Hen. III, m. 6 dors.; 2 Hen. III, m. 8, m. 15). Becoming in favour with the court he was one of the witnesses to Henry's pledge to marry his sister to the King of the Scots, 15 July 1220 (Rymer's Fœdera, i. 241). He was summoned to besiege Cockermouth 3 Feb. 1221 (Claus. 5 Hen. III, m. 16 dors.), and was excused scutage 'pro fideli servicio suo,' 3 July 1224 (Claus. 8 Hen. III, m. 11). He was appointed a justice itinerant for Northumberland 14 July 1225 (ib. 9 Hen. III, m. 11 dors.), and 14 Dec. 1226 (ib. 10 Hen. III, m. 26 dors.), and for Cumberland 30 June 1226 (ib. 10 Hen. III, m. 15 dors.), and 10 Sept. 1227 (ib. 11 Hen. III, m. 5 dors.). In 18 Henry III (1233-4) he was again appointed for both these counties and for Lancashire, and in March 1237 he was a witness to the agreement at York before Cardinal Otho as to the differences between England and Scotland. At the beginning of 1242 he paid 35 marks to be excused from the Gascon expedition (Pip. 26 Hen. III, North.), and died very shortly afterwards (Matt. Westm.), his lands being delivered to the king's escheator 24 May 1242 (Fin. 26, Hen. III).

[Dugdale's Baronage, i. 544 ; Foss's Judges, ii. 237; Hodgson's Northumberland, ii. (ii). 40.]