Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Blagge, Robert

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1904 Errata appended.

1311870Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 05 — Blagge, Robert1886John Andrew Hamilton

BLAGGE or BLAGE, ROBERT (d. 1522?), judge, was of a Suffolk family, and was son of Stephen Blagge of Broke Montague in Somersetshire, by Alice, his wife. In 1502 (6 Dec.) he received a grant for life of the office of king’s remembrancer in the exchequer, with the same fees as John Fitz-Herbert, his predecessor, had, and on 27 June 1511 was raised to the bench as third baron of the exchequer, having a deputy in the office of remembrancer. On 28 Oct. 1511 he was, with four others, a pointed on a commission of inquiry into the death of William Lymster of London. On 23 May 1514 he received a, patent of succession on his death or the first vacancy to the office of remembrancer, to be held for life, for his son Barnaby. This patent, however, was annulled on the ground that at its date and from and after Blagge's appointment as baron he had no legal estate in the remembrancership (Dyer's Reports, 3 Eliz., Easter Term, 47). In 1514 (1 Feb.) he is mentioned as receiving, with others, a pardon for the alienation of the manor of Halton, and was repeatedly in the commissions of the peace for Kent and Middlesex. On 2 June 1515 he received a grant to himself during pleasure of 80 marks annually out of the tonnage and poundage of London. His salary was fixed in 1516 at 46l. 13s. 4d. as baron of the exchequer, and 55l. 17s. 4d. as king’s remembrancer, all during the king’s pleasure. In 1515, along with Sir Edward Bealknap of the privy council and Baron Westby of the exchequer, he was appointed a surveyor of crown lands, pursurant to the act of 6 Hen. VIII, and is found as such advising a lease of the manor of Bewmaner 6 Oct. 1515, and of Staunford, part of ‘Warwick's lands.’ He was reappointed 30 Sept. 1517, and was acting as such also in 1518. He had also been appointed one of the general purveyors of the king’s revenues 22 May 1515. He was a commissioner of sewers in Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire in 1515, in Middlesex, Essex, and Hertfordshire in 1516, and in Kent in 1517. On 6 May 1518 he is found appointed to be guardian of Wil1iam, son and heir of George Carleton. He was still acting as surveyor of crown lands on 29 Nov. 1520 and 21 March 1522. In May 1520, being seized of the manor of Peddon, and other land in Stone, in Kent, to the use of Sir Roger Cholmley, license was given him to have free warren in his lands in Stoynye. Foss says he was alive in 1524; but it seems more probable that he died in London 13 Sept. 1522, and was buried near his wife in St. Bartholomew’s Church. In a grant, however, of 1532, he is mentioned as deceased, but not apparently so long as ten years previously. His will was dated 8 Sept. 1522. He was twice married, first to Katherine, sole daughter and heiress to Thomas Brune or Brown, who brought him Horsman’s Place, near Dartford, and estates in Kent, and bore him two sons, Barnaby and Robert (or John), neither of whom had issue. He married or the second time, on the feast of St. Matthew 1506, Mary, daughter of John, Lord Cobham, who survived him, and was appointed his administratrix cum testamento annexo. She bore him in 1512 a son George, said to have been afterwards gentleman of the bedchamber to Henry VIII, and a knight, who married a maid of honour, Dorothy, daughter of William Badby of Essex, and died at Stanmoxe in Middlesex 17 June 1551.

[Foss’s Lives of the Judges Dugdale's orig. Juridiciales; Dyer's Reports; Gaze's Suffolk, iv. 126; Cooper’s Letters, &c., of 520; cf. Collect. Topographica, Ath. Cantab. i. 105; Brewer's Letters &c. of Henry VIII, vol. i. Nos. 1747, 1921, 4699, 5l18, vol. ii. part i. pp. 40, 876, Nos. 1172, 359, 667, 1440, 2161, 3354, 4151, 102, 1007, 3710, 495, 2870, 2138, 552, 3290, vol. iii. 1076, 2121, 854, vol. v. 1499.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.28
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
156 ii 20 f.e. Blagge, Robert: for Gaze's read Gage's