Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Browne, Richard (fl.1674-1694)

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1314913Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 07 — Browne, Richard (fl.1674-1694)1886George Thomas Bettany

BROWNE or BROWN, RICHARD (fl. 1674–1694), physician, was educated at Queen's College, Oxford, but graduated at Leyden, where he was admitted 20 Sept. 1675, being then fifty years old. He became a licentiate of the College of Physicians on 30 Sept. 1678. His principal writings, some of which bear on the title-page by Richard Browne, Apothecary of Oakham,' are: 1. ‘Medicina Musica; or a Mechanical Essay on the Effects of Singing, Music, and Dancing on Human Bodies: with an Essay on the Nature and Cure of the Spleen and Vapours,’ London, 1671, new edition 1729. 2. ‘Περὶ Ἀρχῶν, Liber in quo Principia Veterurn evertuntur, et nova stabiliuntur,’ London, 1678. 3. ‘Prosodia Pharmacopœorum, or the Apothecary's Prosody,' London, 1685. 4. ‘English Grammar,‘ London, 1692. 5. ‘General History of Earthquakes,' London, 1694, A small book entitled ‘Coral and Steel, a most Compendious Method of Preserving and Restoring Health, by R. B., M.D.,' no date, is doubtfully assigned to the same R. Brown.

[Munk's Coll. of Phys. (1878), i. 391.]