Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Dillingham, Theophilus

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407988Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 15 — Dillingham, Theophilus1888Thompson Cooper

DILLINGHAM, THEOPHILUS, D.D. (1613–1678), master of Clare Hall, Cambridge, son of Thomas Dillingham, was born at Over Dean, Bedfordshire, in 1613. He was admitted a pensioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 13 Sept. 1629, and graduated B.A. in 1633, M.A. in 1637. He was elected a fellow of Sidney College in 1638, and subsequently took the degree of D.D. In 1654 he was chosen master of Clare Hall, and he was thrice vice-chancellor of the university, in 1655, 1656, and part of 1661. At the Restoration he was ejected from the mastership, and Thomas Paske, one of his predecessors, was readmitted, but as Dillingham had married a daughter of Paske, the latter resigned in favour of his son-in-law, who was re-elected by the fellows in 1661. On 29 Jan. 1661-2 Dillingham became prebendary of Ulskelf in the church of York on Paske's resignation of that dignity, and on 3 Sept. 1667 he was installed archdeacon of Bedford. He also held the rectory of Offord Cluny, Huntingdonshire. He died at Cambridge on 22 Nov. 1678, and was buried in St. Edward's Church.

Extracts from his diaries and other papers are preserved in Baker's MSS. at Cambridge, vol. xx. no. 6, p. 72, and vol. xxxvi. no. 15.

[Addit. MSS. 5803, p. 40, 5821, p. 131, 5867, p. 7; Kennett's MSS. lii. 220 ; Kennett's Register and Chronicle, pp. 222, 615, 646; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), ii. 75, iii 220, 607, 671; Le Neve's Mon. Angl. (1650-79), p. 190; Carter's Univ. of Camb. p. 413 n.]