Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Geoffrey (d.1154)

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1182584Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 21 — Geoffrey (d.1154)1890Charles Lethbridge Kingsford

GEOFFREY (d. 1154), abbot of Dunfermline, monk, and afterwards prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, must have been elected prior about October 1126, for his predecessor, Conrad, died on 16 Feb. 1127, after having been abbot of Holme for eighteen weeks (J. de Oxenedes, p. 294). Geoffrey witnesses as prior a charter granted to the monks of Rochester by Archbishop William (Textus Roffensis, Hearne's ed. p. 156, not Archbishop Ralph, as stated in Anglia Sacra). In 1128, at the request of David of Scotland, he became first abbot of Dunfermline in Fife, and was ordained by Robert, bishop of St. Andrews. Florence of Worcester, who is our authority for this, calls him a man of distinguished piety. The church of Dunfermline was dedicated during his tenure of the abbacy in 1150 (Chron. Holyrood). He is stated to have written ‘Historia Apostolica,’ a work which has apparently perished. He died in 1154 (Chron. S. Crucis Edinb.) His name is given as Gaufridus or Gosfridus; the former seems the more correct.

[Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i. 137, 161, 796; Dempster's Hist. Eccles. Scot. vii. 602.]