Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Gilburne, Samuel

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1190642Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 21 — Gilburne, Samuel1890John Joseph Knight

GILBURNE or GILBORNE, SAMUEL (fl. 1605), actor, mentioned in the 1623 folio of Shakespeare, was apprentice to Augustine Phillips, a well-known member of the same company. In Phillips's will appears the following: 'Item I geve to Samuel Gilborne, my late apprentice, the some of fortye shillings and my mouse colloured velvit hose, and a white taffety dublet, a blacke taffety sute, my purple cloke, sword and dagger, and my base viall.' The will in question is dated 4 May 1605, and is printed in Chalmers's ‘Further Account of the Early English Stage,’ p. 483, and in Payne Collier's ‘English Dramatic Poetry,’ iii. 410. No other reference to Gilburne has been traced. Malone's ‘Historical Account of the English Stage,’ Basle, 1800, simply writes opposite the name, ‘unknown,’ p. 268.

[Works cited.]