Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Haslewood, Joseph

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1410462Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 25 — Haslewood, Joseph1891Arthur Henry Bullen ‎

HASLEWOOD, JOSEPH (1769–1833), antiquary, was born in London (at the Lying-in-Hospital in Brownlow Street, Drury Lane) 5 Nov. 1769. At an early age he entered the office of his uncle, Mr. Dewberry, a solicitor in Conduit Street, afterwards became a partner, and ultimately succeeded to the business. He distinguished himself by his zeal for antiquarian studies; his editorial labours were considerable, and he collected a curious library. Among the works that he edited were ‘Tusser's Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry,’ 1810; Juliana Berners or Barnes's ‘Book of St. Albans,’ 1810; Painter's ‘Palace of Pleasure,’ 1813; ‘Antient Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy,’ 2 vols. 1811–1815; ‘Mirror for Magistrates,’ 2 vols. 1815; and ‘Drunken Barnaby's Journal,’ 1 vol. 1817–18, 2 vols. 1820. The 1820 edition of ‘Barnaby's Journal’ contains an elaborate notice of the works of Richard Brathwait, whose claim to the authorship of the famous ‘Itinerary’ Haslewood firmly established.

Haslewood supplied Brydges with occasional communications for ‘Censura Literaria,’ 1807–9, and ‘The British Bibliographer,’ 1810–14. He was one of the founders of the Roxburghe Club, and conducted some of the club books through the press. In 1809 he published ‘Green-Room Gossip; or Gravity Gallinipt,’ and in 1824 ‘Some Account of the Life and Publications of the late Joseph Ritson, Esq.,’ 8vo. Occasionally he contributed to the ‘Gentleman's Magazine.’

He died on 21 Sept. 1833 at Addison Road, Kensington. At the sale of his library Thorpe, the bookseller, bought for 40l. a collection of Haslewood's manuscript notes on the proceedings of the Roxburghe Club. This ill-written and insipid record of the club's achievements was entitled ‘Roxburghe Revels; or, An Account of the Annual Display, culinary and festivous, interspersed incidentally with matters of Moment and Merriment. Also, Brief Notices of the Press Proceedings by a few Lions of Literature, combined as the Roxburghe Club, founded 17 June 1812.’ Falling into unfriendly hands, the manuscript afforded material for a virulent attack on Haslewood's memory in the ‘Athenæum,’ January 1834. In 1837 James Maidment reprinted the ‘Athenæum’ articles at Edinburgh, with a memoir of Haslewood, under the title ‘Roxburghe Revels, and other Relative Papers; including Answers to the attack on the Memory of the late Joseph Haslewood, Esq., F.S.A., with Specimens of his Literary Productions,’ 4to (fifty copies, privately printed; uniform with the Roxburghe Club publications). A valuable collection of ‘Proclamations’ formed by Haslewood is now in the library of the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith; nine volumes of newspaper cuttings, prints, &c., illustrative of stage-history, are preserved in the British Museum. Haslewood was a keen collector of fugitive tracts. It was his fancy to bind several together in a volume, and affix some absurd title, as ‘Quaffing Quavers to Quip Queristers,’ ‘Tramper's Twattle, or Treasure and Tinsel, from the Tewkesbury Tank,’ ‘Nutmegs for Nightingale,’ &c.

[Roxburghe Revels, Edinburgh, 1837; Gent. Mag. 1833, ii. 467.]