Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jerningham, Henry

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1399713Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 29 — Jerningham, Henry1892Emily Tennyson Bradley

JERNINGHAM, Sir HENRY (d. 1571), an adherent of Queen Mary, was the eldest son and heir of Sir Edward Jernegan of Huntingfield, Suffolk, by his second wife, Mary, daughter of Lord Scroop. The manor of Cossey (or Costessy), Norfolk, was granted him in 1547, and he thus became the founder of the Cossey branch of the Jernegan family, spelling the name Jerningham to distinguish his branch from the Somerleyton Jernegans. He was the first to appear openly on Mary's side, joining her at Kenninghall with his tenantry in July 1553, immediately after Edward's death. He then proceeded to raise forces for her in Norfolk and Suffolk, and while she raised her standard at Framlingham went on to Yarmouth to guard the coast. Here he successfully defied a squadron of the fleet and persuaded the captains to surrender, he and the Yarmouth burgesses taking possession of their ships in Mary's name. He proceeded to London with the new queen, and was rewarded by the posts of vice-chamberlain of the royal household, captain of the guard, and a seat on the privy council (31 July 1553), the offices vacated by the attainder of Sir John Gates. On 29 Sept. he was also created a K.B. Jerningham went with Norfolk against Wyatt, and routed him on his way to Rochester; their forces were, however, routed by the rebels on Rochester Bridge, but Jerningham rallied his division at Charing Cross, and finally defeated Wyatt's men (1554). In 1556 Jerningham was appointed a commissioner to examine into the conspiracy of Clerbery, and became master of the horse the next year. He was in high favour throughout Mary's reign, and entrusted with constant state business by the queen (see correspondence in State Papers, Dom. Calendar, 1547–80, pp. 57, 101, 106, 108). He received the offices of keeper of the royal parks at Eltham and at Horne, Kent, with the various sources of income pertaining to these manors, besides being allowed to keep a hundred retainers of his own. On Elizabeth's accession he was deprived of his seat on the privy council, and his name no longer appears in state affairs. He died in 1571, leaving by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Baynham, in whose right he was lord of Bedingfield, Suffolk, two sons and two daughters. His estate was left to his wife for her life.

[Collins's Baronage, ed. 1741, i. 456; Machyn's Diary, pp. 8, 37, 38, 39, 45, 51, 131, 162; Stow's Chronicle, p. 611; Chron. of Queen Jane and Queen Mary (Camd. Soc.), pp. 5, 8, 37, &c.; Strype's Memorials (Clar. Press ed.), III. i. 26, 44, 53, 55, 131, 549, ii. 23, 75, 160, 527, 532; Annals, i. ii. 358, 370; Blomefield's Norfolk, ii. 416; Burnet's Reformation, ii. i. 540.]