Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Leanerd, John

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1423095Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 32 — Leanerd, John1892Gordon Goodwin

LEANERD, JOHN (fl. 1679), dramatist, is described by Langbaine as no genuine author, but a 'confident plagiary.' He published:

  1. 'The Country Innocence; or, the Chambermaid turn'd Quaker,' 4to, London, a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal in Lent, 1677, by the younger members of the company (Genest, Hist. of the Stage, i. 200). It is only Anthony Brewer's 'Country Girl' (1647) with a new title.
  2. 'The Rambling Justice; or, the Jealous Husbands, with the Humours of Sir John Twiford,' 4to, London, also a nursery play, performed at the same theatre (ib. i. 226).

The incidents are mostly borrowed from Thomas Middleton's 'More Dissemblers besides Women,' 1657. To Leanerd is also ascribed a good comedy called 'The Counterfeits,' 4to, London, 1679, acted at the Duke's Theatre in 1678 (ib. i. 246). The plot is taken from a translated Spanish novel entitled 'The Trepanner Trepanned.' Colley Cibber in his comedy of 'She would and she would not ' has either founded his play on the same novel, or else has borrowed, considerably from Leanerd's comedy.

[Baker's Biog. Dram. 1812.]