Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lindsell, Augustine

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1904 Errata appended.

421488Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 33 — Lindsell, Augustine1893Gordon Goodwin

LINDSELL, AUGUSTINE, (d. 1634), bishop of Hereford, was born at Bumstead-Steeple, Essex. On 4 April 1592 he was admitted pensioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Addit. MS. 5875, f. 5), but was subsequently scholar and fellow of Clare Hall. He graduated B.A. in 1595-6, M.A. in 1599, and D.D in 1621 (University Register). In March 1610 he became rector of Wickford, Essex, and prebendary of Lincoln in November 1612 (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, ii. 145). On 9 July 1614 he was incorporated M.A. at Oxford (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss. i. 300). Neile, bishop of Durham, patronised him. appointed him his chaplain, and collated him to the tenth stall in Durham Cathedral on 5 March 1618-19 (Le Neve, iii. 318), which he resigned for the second stall in August 1620 (ib. iii. 310). He was an unsuccessful candidate for the regius professorship of Greek vacant by the resignation of Andrew Downes [q. v.] in 1627. He was installed dean of Lichfield 15 Oct. 1628 (ib. i. 310). On 10 Feb. 1632-3 he was consecrated bishop of Peterborough (ib. ii. 534-5), and in March 1633-4 was translated to Hereford (ib. i. 471). He died unmarried on 6 Nov. 1634, and was buried in Hereford Cathedral. To Clare Hall Library he bequeathed all his Greek manuscripts and some Greek books; to Sir Robert Cotton he gave a manuscript history of Ely Cathedral in Latin (will registered in P.C.C. III, Seagar).

His admirable edition of Theophylact's 'Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles' was published by Dr. T. Baily, his coadjutor in the work (fol. London, 1636). It is dedicated to Archbishop Laud, of whose policy Lindsell had been a firm supporter.

[Prynne's Canterburies Doome, passim; Prynne's Antipathie, pp. 304-5; Heylyn's Life of Laud, pp. 55, 66, 214, 249; Parr's Life of Ussher, pp. 85, 330, 406, 426; Troubles of Laud, pp. 12, 366; Mullinger's Hist. of Univ.of Cambridge, ii. 420n.; Gunton's Peterborough. p. 83; Peck's Desiderata. i. 52, ii. 52, 53; Fuller's Worthies, 1652, p.326; Cole MS. vol. 1. f. 34.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.182
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
317 ii 9-10 Lindsell, Augustine: for Bumstead-Steeple read Steeple-Butnpstead