Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lloyd, Humphrey (1610-1689)

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1442238Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 33 — Lloyd, Humphrey (1610-1689)1893William Arthur Shaw

LLOYD, HUMPHREY (1610–1689), bishop of Bangor, third son of Richard Lloyd, D.D., vicar of Ruabon, Denbighshire, was born at Bod-y-Fudden, parish of Trawsfynydd, Merionethshire, in 1610. He matriculated from Jesus College, Oxford, 25 Jan. 1627–8, aged 17, but, 23 Jan. 1629–30, graduated B.A. from Oriel College, where he became fellow in 1631, and was tutor for many years. He proceeded M.A. 12 May 1635, and was created D.D. 12 Sept. 1661. He took holy orders, and was made chaplain to Archbishop Williams, to whom he owed a long succession of ecclesiastical preferments. On 9 April 1644 Williams presented him to the prebend of Ampleforth in York Cathedral, actually investing him; but when Lloyd set out for York his installation was prevented by the advance of the Scotch army. Accordingly he did not enjoy the prebend till the Restoration, when it was considered as having lapsed into the king's hands, and was regranted to Lloyd on his petition (Cal. State Papers, Charles II, xii. 57).

Walker represents Lloyd as having been deprived of the vicarage of Ruabon. In the ‘Lords' Journals,’ however, there is an order, 10 June 1647, for the induction of Lloyd into the vicarage of Ruabon, ‘he taking the national league and covenant.’ He probably took the test, but was afterwards engaged in treasonable transactions. His name occurs in a list of royalists in 1654, and all the petitions presented for him in 1660 to Charles II mention the fact of his sequestration and imprisonment (see also Wood, Antiq. i. 356). At the Restoration he petitioned for the deanery of Bangor, the archdeaconry of Nottingham, and the prebend of Ampleforth, and was granted the last of these, holding it in commendam on his election as bishop. On 13 Aug. 1661 he was made canon of St. Asaph, dean of St. Asaph 14 Dec. 1663, holding it till 1674. He held the sinecure of Northop in Flint from 1661 till 19 Dec. 1664, and in 1673 removed from Ruabon to the vicarage of Gresford. He was enthroned bishop of Bangor 5 Jan. 1673–4, and held at the same time the archdeaconries of Bangor and Anglesey, which he had procured with a sinecure rectory to be united to the see for the benefit of the cathedral fabric. He became canon of Bangor in 1676 and added another sinecure rectory to his preferments. He died on 18 Jan. 1688–9, and was buried in Bangor Cathedral. He married Jane, daughter of John —— Griffyth of Llyn, and widow of Owen Brereton of Burros. By her he had three sons, John, Francis, and Richard.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 873; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; Le Neve's Fasti; Lords' Journals; Cal. State Papers, Dom.; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy; Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. ii. 32, vii. 107, vi. 182.]