Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lloyd, Ludovic

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1904 Errata appended.

556540Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 33 — Lloyd, Ludovic1893Thomas Seccombe (1866-1923)

LLOYD, LUDOVIC, LODOWICK, or LEWIS (fl. 1573–1610), poet and compiler, was the fifth son of Oliver Lloyd, lord of the manor of Marrington, by Gwenllian, daughter of Griffith ap Howel ab Ieuan Blayney of Gregynog. He was, according to Phillips (Theatrum, 1800, p. 91), a conspicuous figure at the court of Queen Elizabeth. He describes himself in several of his works as ‘her Maiesties Seargeant at Armes,’ and the post was continued to him by the queen's successor. He was an intimate friend of John Lane [q. v.], who says that Spenser owed all the funeral honours paid him after being suffered to die of want, ‘to my lovinge frend Ludovic Lloyd;’ the whole story is discredited by Mr. Grosart (Life of Spenser, p. 239).

The chief of Lloyd's compilations, all of which are dull, is: ‘The Pilgrimage of Princes; penned out of sundry Greeke and Latine Aucthours [1573], printed by William Jones, and to be sold at his nevve long shop at the West door of Powles.’ Following the title are acrostic verses on Cristoforus Hattonvs, and a prose dedication to Sir C. Hatton, the patron to whom, Hazlitt conjectures, Lloyd owed his place at court. Prefixed are commendatory verses by, among others, Edward Grant and Thomas Churchyard. Other editions appeared in 1586 (Huth) and in 1607, in both of which Lloyd describes himself as ‘her Majesties Sergeant-at-Arms;’ and a reissue appeared in 1653, with a curiously transformed text and title, as ‘The Marrow of History, or the Pilgrimage of Kings and Princes, truly Representing the Variety of Dangers inherent to the Crowns, and the lamentable Deaths which many of them, and some of the best of them, have undergone. Newly Corrected and Revived by R. C[odrington], Master of Arts.’ This was reprinted in 1659.

Lloyd's other works are: 1. ‘The Consent of Time, Deciphering the Errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads,’ 1590, 4to, dedicated to Whitgift. 2. ‘The Triplicitie of Triumphs, containing the Order, Solempnitie, and Pompe of the Feastes, Sacrifices, Vowes, Games, and Triumphes used upon the Nativities of Emperors, &c.,’ 1591, 4to. 3. ‘A Brief Conference of Divers Lawes, Divided into certaine Regiments,’ 1602, 4to, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. 4. ‘The Stratagems of Jerusalem; with the Martiall Lawes and Militarie Discipline, as well of the Jewes as of the Gentiles,’ 1602, 4to, dedicated to Sir Robert Cecil. 5. ‘The Practice of Policy,’ 1604, 4to. 6. ‘The Choice of Jewels,’ London, 1607, 4to, containing verses arranged acrostically on the words, ‘To Anna Queene of Gret Britane Health,’ followed by congratulations to Christian, king of Denmark, on his visit to England in 1607. 7. ‘The Tragicomedie of Serpents,’ 1607, 4to, a curious collection, chiefly of classical and biblical fables, dedicated to James I. 8. ‘Linceus Spectacles. Esa. 6, Videntes videbitis non videbitis,’ 1607, 4to, dedicated to James I, and similar in character to the preceding. 9. ‘Hilaria, or the Triumphant Feast for the fifth of August (Coronation Day),’ 1607. 10. ‘The Jubile of Britane,’ 1607, 4to. In the case of Nos. 5, 7, and 8 the title is no index to the character of the work, which consists exclusively of ‘Collectanea Curiosa.’ An epitaph by Lloyd, on Sir Edward Saunders, is printed in the ‘Paradise of Dainty Devices,’ 1576, and was, according to Mr. Hazlitt, also issued as a broadsheet (Collections and Notes, 1867–76, p. 260). Lloyd has commendatory verses signed Lodowick Flood, prefixed to ‘The Castle or Picture of Pollicy’ of William Blandie [q. v.], and ‘verses in prayse of the author’ prefixed to Twyne's translation of Lhuyd's ‘Breviary of Britayne,’ 1573, 12mo.

A certain Lodowick Lloyd, possibly a son of the above, kept a stationer's shop in Pope's Head Alley, Lombard Street, where in 1652 he published, in conjunction with Henry Crips, the first London edition of Burton's ‘Anatomy’ (State Papers, Dom. s.a. 436; cf. Culpeper, Astrolog. Almanac, 1653, ad fin.) and had moved to the ‘Castle’ in Cornhill by 1665, when he published, inter alia, Matthew Stevenson's ‘Poems.’

[Corser's Collectanea, pt. viii. p. 346; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), passim; Ritson's Bibl. Poetica, p. 267; Addit. MS. 24490 (Hunter's Chorus Vatum); Addit. MS. 5875, f. 20 (Cole's Athenæ Cantabr.); Wood's Athenæ, ed. Bliss, i. 355, 667, 713, 734; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. v. 277; Huth's Library Catalogue; Drake's Shakespeare and his Times, i. 591; Tanner's Bibliotheca, p. 484; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. p. 1377; Hazlitt's Handbook and Bibl. Collections and Notes, 2nd and 3rd ser.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.183
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

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429 i 33 Lloyd, Ludovic: before was, according insert was fifth son of Oliver Lloyd, lord of the manor of Marrington, by his wife Gwenllian, daughter of Griffith ap Howel ab Ieuan Blayney of Gregynog. He