Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Macdonald, Archibald (1736-1814)
MACDONALD, ARCHIBALD (1736–1814), author, born in 1736, was a Benedictine monk, and for many years was Roman catholic pastor of Seal Street Chapel, Liverpool. He published a defence of the authenticity of Macpherson's poems of Ossian against the attacks of Malcolm Laing [q. v.], and added some translations by himself of the lesser poems of Ossian, 1805. 'Fingal rendered into Verse' appeared in 1808, and Macdonald also published 'Moral Essays.' He died at Woolton in September 1814.
[Allibone's Dict. of English Literature; Gent. Mag. 1814, pt. ii. p, 298.]