Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Mayo, Charles (1767-1858)

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672289Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 37 — Mayo, Charles (1767-1858)1894Charles Herbert Mayo

MAYO, CHARLES (1767–1858), professor of Anglo-Saxon, born in London 24 March 1767, was second son of Herbert Mayo, D.D. (1720–1802), by his wife Mary, daughter of George Coldham, surgeon extraordinary to the Prince of Wales. The father (son of Charles Mayo of Hereford) was elected fellow at Brasenose College, Oxford, in 1740 (M.A. 1745, and D.D. 1763), and after serving curacies in the east of London was presented in 1764 to the living of Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, which he relinquished the same year to return to the east end of London as rector of St. George's. There he continued till his death. He was J.P. for Middlesex, and treasurer of Raine's Hospital, and was an exemplary parish priest in poor districts at a time not generally noted for spiritual activity.

Charles was admitted to Merchant Taylors' School, 1776, and thence elected to St. John's College, Oxford, 1785, of which society he became fellow in 1788. He graduated M.A. 1793, and B.D. 1796. In 1795 he was elected by the university professor of Anglo-Saxon on the foundation of Dr. Rawlinson, being the first to hold that office, and he occupied it for the allotted space of five years. Dr. Samuel Parr states that his lectures were much applauded. Mayo took holy orders and was Whitehall preacher 1799–1800, and morning lecturer at the old chapel of St. Michael, Highgate, for thirty years. He was elected F.S.A. 1820, F.R.S. 1827, and a governor of Cholmeley School in Highgate 1842. He resided during the greater part of his life at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, where he inherited in 1824 the manor of Andrewes and Le Motte from his grandmother Rebecca, daughter of Sir John Shaw, bart. He married Louisa, daughter of James Landon, but died without issue 10 Dec. 1858, aged 91 years. He was buried at Cheshunt.

Charles's elder brother, Paggen William Mayo (1766–1836), was elected to a medical fellowship at St. John's College, Oxford, 6 July 1792, and graduated D.M. in 1795. Elected physician to the Middlesex Hospital 23 Aug. 1793, he was admitted F.R.C.P. 30 Sept. 1796, and was censor 1797, Gulstonian lecturer 1798, and Harveian orator 1807. Resigning his hospital appointment in 1801, he removed from Conduit Street, London, to Doncaster, and eventually to Bridlington, where he died 6 July 1836. He married Charlotte, daughter of the Rev. Stephen Buckle, LL.D., and left issue.

[E. Wilson's History of Middlesex Hospital; Munk's Coll. of Phys.; Hist. of Mayo Family, 1882.]