Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Ogilvy, George (d.1663)

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1406482Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 42 — Ogilvy, George (d.1663)1895Thomas Finlayson Henderson

OGILVY, Sir GEORGE, of Dunlugas, Banffshire, first Lord Banff (d. 1663), was eldest son of Sir Walter Ogilvy of Banff and Dunlugas, by Helen, daughter of Walter Urquhart of Cromarty. He had charters to himself and Margaret Irving, his wife, of the barony of Dunlugas, 9 March 1610–11, and another of the barony of Inschedour, 14 Feb. 1627–8. On 30 July 1627 he was created a baronet of Nova Scotia.

In Michaelmas 1628 Ogilvy slew his cousin. James Ogilvy, but on making 'assythment' for the slaughter he was not further proceeded against (Spalding, Memorials, i. 12). In January 1630 he assisted Gordon of Rothiemay against James Crichton of Frendraught, when Gordon was slain (Gordon, Earldom of Sutherland, pp. 416–17), and after Crichton was forced, through the attacks of the Gordons, to go south to Edinburgh, Ogilvy in 1634 had his two sons quietly convoyed to him (Spalding, i. 50).

Ogilvy from the beginning supported Charles I in his contests with the covenanters (Gordon, Scots Affairs, i. 61). In February 1639 he gave information to the Marquis of Huntly of a proposed rendezvous of the covenanters at Turriff, and, it was said, strongly advised Huntly to attack them there, but Huntly contented himself with displaying his forces (ib. pp. 210-15; Spalding, i. 136-7). When Huntly came to terms with Montrose, and many of the northern lords on this account came in and signed the covenant, Ogilvy 'stoutly stood out the king's man (ib. i. 163), and he also prevailed upon the Viscount Aboyne not to join his father in the south (ib. p. 173). Shortly afterwards, along with Aboyne, he took measures for his defence, and after Aboyne broke up his forces he still continued in arms (ib. pp. 161, 182). Learning in May of a projected rendezvous of covenanters at Turriff, he proposed that an attack should be made on them, and, with Sir John Gordon of Haddo, he was appointed joint general of the forces, 'both of them of known courage, but Banff [Ogilvy] the wittier of the two, and Haddo supposed to be pliable to Banff's council and advice' (Gordon, Scots Affairs. ii. 256). Early in the morning of 13 May the covenanters were surprised in their beds, and completely defeated (ib. p. 257; Spalding, i. 185), the incident being known locally as the 'Trot of Turriff.' On the 15th Ogilvy and other barons entered New Aberdeen with eight hundred horse, and took possession of the town, the covenanters taking to flight (Spalding, i, 186-7). On the 22nd the barons left the town, and marched towards Strathbogie, on arriving at which they learned of the proposed expedition of the northern covenanters to join Montrose at Aberdeen. Thereupon they resolved to bar their way. and, crossing the Spey under the leadership of Ogilvy, drew up on elevated ground within two miles of Elgin. This led to a parley, and both parties came to an agreement to lay down their arms (ib. i. 194; Gordon, Scots Affairs, ii. 263). On 30 May Ogilvy and others took ship at Macduff, with the intention of proceeding south to the king (Spaulding, i. 198); but meeting a ship in which were Aboyne and other loyalists returning to the north, they were persuaded to change their purpose. They landed on 6 June — Ogilvy being then prostrated by fever — at Aberdeen, where Aboyne proclaimed his lieutenancy in the north (ib. pp. 204-5). Montrose having left Aberdeen for the south, the northern royalists had an opportunity of retaliation, and Ogilvy joined Aboyne and others in spoiling the Earl Marischal's lands (Gordon, Scots Affairs, ii. 279). About September Ogilvy went south to the king (Spaulding, i. 231), and during his absence his palace at Banff and his country house at Inschedour were spoiled by the covenanters under General Monro (Gordon, iii. 252-3; Balfour, Annals. ii. 382). As part reparation, the king in 1641 presented to him six thousand merks Scots in gold. He was also by patent, dated at Nottingham 31 Aug. 1641, created a peer of Scotland as Lord Banff. Banff was one of those who in 1634, 'barefaced and in plain English,' accused the Duke of Hamilton of treason (Clarendon, Hist. of the Rebellion, vii. 369). His subsequent life was uneventful, and he died on 11 Aug. 1663. By his first wife, Margaret, daughter of Alexander Irvine of Drum, Aberdeenshire, he had a daughter Helen, married to James Ogilvy, second earl of Airlie [q. v.]; and by his second wife, Mary Sutherland of Duffus, Elgin, he had a son George, second lord Banff, and two daughters.

[Authorities mentioned in the text; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 192.]