Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Oskytel

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1429811Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 42 — Oskytel1895Mary Bateson ‎

OSKYTEL (d. 971), archbishop of York, whose name also appears as Oscytel, Oschitel, Oschetel, Osketell, Asketillius, Uscytel, Usketillius, Oscekillus, was a Dane by birth, and was related to the Danes, Turketyl, abbot of Bedford; Odo [q. v.], arch-bishop of Canterbury; and Oswald (d. 972) [q. v.], his successor in the see of York. In 950 he was consecrated bishop of Dorchester; his first signature occurs 952. In 966 he was translated to the see of York, with the consent of Edward and his council (Flor. Wig. s. a.) He journeyed to Rome for the pall with Oswald, who, according to Eadmer, had helped him in the government of his first diocese (Historians of the Church of York, ii. 14). On the death of Odo, arch-bishop of Canterbury, in 968, Oskytel invited Oswald to live with him. He showed him much kindness, and introduced him to Dunstan. From Oswald he learned the new monasticism then being introduced into England from Fleury. In 968 he consecrated Elfsig bishop of Chester. His name occurs among the signatures of many charters, showing that he was often absent from his diocese. He died at Thame, 1 Nov. 971, and his remains were carried to Bedford Abbey, and buried there by Turketyl. He was a man of learning and piety (Anglo-Saxon Chron. sub anno).

[The lives of Oswald by Senatus and Eadmer in Historians of the Church of York, ii. 13, 14, 71 (Rolls Ser.); Oswald's life in the Hist. Rames. (Rolls Ser). pp. 24-5; Ordericus Vitalis, ed. Le Prevost, ii. 282; the best modern life is in Raine and Dixon's Lives of the Archbishops of York.]