Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Pageham, John de

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939595Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 43 — Pageham, John de1895William Hunt

PAGEHAM or PAGHAM, JOHN de (d. 1158), bishop of Worcester, probably a native of Pagham, Sussex, was one of the clerks of Archbishop Theobald, and was consecrated by him to the see of Worcester on 4 March 1151. He assisted at the consecration of Roger to the see of York on 10 Oct. 1154, and at the coronation of Henry II on 19 Dec. He gave the churches of Bensington, Oxfordshire, and Turkdean, Gloucestershire, to the monastery of Osney, gave the prior of Worcester possession of Cutsdean, Worcestershire, and is stated to have given to the see a manor called ‘Elm Bishop’ (Godwin), said to be a misreading for Clive or Cleve, with Marston, near Stratford-on-Avon. He died at Rome in 1158, it is said on 31 March (Le Neve).

[Gervase, i. 142, 159; Ann. of Tewkesbury; Ann. of Osney, iv. 26, 30, ap. Ann. Monast. i. 48 (Rolls Ser.); Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i. 475; Thomas's Account of Bishops of Worcester, p. 111; Godwin, De Præsulibus, p. 457; Le Neve's Fasti, iii. 49, ed. Hardy.]