Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Pectwin
PECTWIN (d. 776), bishop of Candida Casa or Whitherne, whose name was also given as Pectwin, Pehtwin, Pechtwin, Phechtwin, Hehtwin, and Witwin, was consecrated by Archbishop Egbert in the district called Ælfetee or Ælfete on 17 July 763. He died 19 Sept. 776.
Dempster (xv. 1013) states that Pehtwinus, bishop of Candida Casa, was the author of ‘Commentaries on the Gospel of St. Matthew’ in the library of Paul Petau (not given in Montfaucon, Bibl. i. 61–97). Citing in error the authority of Florence of Worcester, he says the same author died in 799 among the Franks.
[Chron. Sax. sub ann.; Flor. Wigorn. sub ann.; Dempster's Hist. Eccles. Gent. Scot. 1829, ii. 535.]