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Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Raynalde, Thomas

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1904 Errata appended.

653268Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 47 — Raynalde, Thomas1896William Arthur Shaw

RAYNALDE, THOMAS (fl. 1546), author, is styled ‘physitian’ in one of his extant books, and ‘Doc. of Phisick’ in another. In 1545 he edited ‘The Birth of Mankynde, otherwise called the Woman's Book,’ dedicated by the original writer, who is supposed to have been one Richard Jonas, to Queen Catherine [Parr], wife of Henry VIII, and illustrated by many copper cuts (1540). The work is a translation from the Latin of Eucharius Roesslin's ‘De partu hominis’ (Frankfort, 1532), and is noticeable as either the first or second book in English treating of midwifery, and certainly the first that was illustrated. It was reprinted, always in black letter, and with some variations as to the cuts, in 1545 (see Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert), 1564, 1565 (4to), 1598 (4to), 1604 (4to). The latest edition seems to be that of 1676. Raynalde's second book was ‘A Compendious Declaration of the Excellent Virtues of a certain lateli invented oile called for the worthnis thereof oile imperial, with the maner how the same is to be used to the benefite of mankinde against innumerable diseases. Written by Thomas Rainold, Doc. of Phisick. Virtute duce, comite fortuna,’ Venice, 1551. The epistle dedicatory is dated from Venice, 1 March, and is inscribed ‘to his singular friend Francis Mery, merchant, of the city of London.’ It notices the author's indebtedness to Mery, who had purchased from him a large quantity of the oil imperial.

A printer of the same name was well known in London between 1541 and 1555, and he printed the first of the two books of Thomas Raynalde, the physician. It is thence inferred that the two men were identical, and that the physician added the practice of a printer to that of the medical profession. The theory seems improbable. The printer and physician were doubtless kinsmen, but the name, which is equivalent to Thomas Reynolds, is of common occurrence. The printer dwelt at first in the parish of St. Andrew Wardrobe, but in 1549 kept shop at the Signe of the Star in St. Paul's Churchyard. In 1548 he issued an edition of Cranmer's ‘Confutation of Unwritten Verities,’ 8vo. He also issued Wyat's ‘Certaine Psalmes,’ and an edition of Matthew's Bible; in all, about thirty books bear his imprint. The last book he appears to have printed is dated 1555.

[Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert, i. 581–5; Raynalde's works in the Brit. Mus.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.231
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
347 i 20 f.e. Raynalde, Thomas: for In 1540 there appeared read In 1545 he edited
18-17 f.e. for the writer, whose initials, . . . . given, read the original writer, who is supposed to have been one Richard Jonas (1540),
5 f.e. omit in 1545
ii 30 after 8vo. insert He also issued Wyat's 'Certaine Psalmes' and an edition of Matthew's Bible. In all about thirty books bear his imprint.