Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Rutherford, Andrew

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641370Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 50 — Rutherford, Andrew1897Thomas Finlayson Henderson

RUTHERFORD, ANDREW, Earl of Teviot (d. 1664), was the only son of William Rutherford of Quarrelholes, Roxburghshire, a cadet of the Rutherfords of Hunthill, by Isabella, daughter of Sir James Stuart of Traquair. He was educated at the university of Edinburgh, and at an early period he entered the French service, where he rose to the rank of lieutenant-general. He returned to Scotland at the Restoration, and, being specially recommended by the French king to Charles II, was by patent dated Whitehall, 10 Jan. 1661, created Lord Rutherford ‘to his heirs and assignees whatsoever, and that under the provisions, restrictions, and conditions which the said Lord Rutherford should think fit.’ Soon afterwards he was appointed governor of Dunkirk, which had been captured from the Spanish in 1658, and was held in joint possession by the French and English. On the transference of the town in 1662 to Louis XII of France for 400,000l., Rutherford returned to England, and in recognition of his able services as governor he was on 2 Feb. 1663 created Earl of Teviot, with limitation to heirs male of his body. In April he was appointed colonel of the second or Tangier regiment of foot, and the same year was named governor of Tangier, where he was killed in a sally against the Moors on 4 May 1664. By his will he made provision for the erection of eight chambers in the college of Edinburgh, and gave directions that a Latin inscription which he had composed should be placed upon the building. By his death without lawful male issue the earldom of Teviot became extinct; but on 23 Dec. 1663 he had executed at Portsmouth a general settlement of his estates and dignities to Sir Thomas Rutherford of Hunthill, who on 16 Dec. 1665 was served heir in his title of Lord Rutherford and also in his lands.

[Monteath's Theatre of Mortality; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), ii. 458–9; Jeffrey's Hist. of Roxburghshire, ii. 286–8.]